- [] (array access)
- = (assign)
- catch
- class
- , (comma)
- // (comment)
- {} (curly braces)
- /** */ (doc comment)
- . (dot)
- draw()
- exit()
- extends
- false
- final
- implements
- import
- loop()
- /* */ (multiline comment)
- new
- noLoop()
- null
- () (parentheses)
- popStyle()
- pop()
- private
- public
- pushStyle()
- push()
- redraw()
- return
- ; (semicolon)
- setLocation()
- setTitle()
- setResizable()
- setup()
- static
- super
- this
- thread()
- true
- try
- void
Class Name
A BufferedReader object is used to read files line-by-line as individual String objects.
Starting with Processing release 0134, all files loaded and saved by the Processing API use UTF-8 encoding. In previous releases, the default encoding for your platform was used, which causes problems when files are moved to other platforms.
BufferedReader reader; String line; void setup() { // Open the file from the createWriter() example reader = createReader("positions.txt"); } void draw() { try { line = reader.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); line = null; } if (line == null) { // Stop reading because of an error or file is empty noLoop(); } else { String[] pieces = split(line, TAB); int x = int(pieces[0]); int y = int(pieces[1]); point(x, y); } }
Returns a String that is the current line in the BufferedReader.

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