Changing one shape into another by interpolating vertices from one to another
Highlighted Features
* Morph.
* Changing one shape into another by interpolating
* vertices from one to another
// Two ArrayLists to store the vertices for two shapes
// This example assumes that each shape will have the same
// number of vertices, i.e. the size of each ArrayList will be the same
ArrayList<PVector> circle = new ArrayList<PVector>();
ArrayList<PVector> square = new ArrayList<PVector>();
// An ArrayList for a third set of vertices, the ones we will be drawing
// in the window
ArrayList<PVector> morph = new ArrayList<PVector>();
// This boolean variable will control if we are morphing to a circle or square
boolean state = false;
void setup() {
size(640, 360);
// Create a circle using vectors pointing from center
for (int angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += 9) {
// Note we are not starting from 0 in order to match the
// path of a circle.
PVector v = PVector.fromAngle(radians(angle-135));
// Let's fill out morph ArrayList with blank PVectors while we are at it
morph.add(new PVector());
// A square is a bunch of vertices along straight lines
// Top of square
for (int x = -50; x < 50; x += 10) {
square.add(new PVector(x, -50));
// Right side
for (int y = -50; y < 50; y += 10) {
square.add(new PVector(50, y));
// Bottom
for (int x = 50; x > -50; x -= 10) {
square.add(new PVector(x, 50));
// Left side
for (int y = 50; y > -50; y -= 10) {
square.add(new PVector(-50, y));
void draw() {
// We will keep how far the vertices are from their target
float totalDistance = 0;
// Look at each vertex
for (int i = 0; i < circle.size(); i++) {
PVector v1;
// Are we lerping to the circle or square?
if (state) {
v1 = circle.get(i);
else {
v1 = square.get(i);
// Get the vertex we will draw
PVector v2 = morph.get(i);
// Lerp to the target
v2.lerp(v1, 0.1);
// Check how far we are from target
totalDistance += PVector.dist(v1, v2);
// If all the vertices are close, switch shape
if (totalDistance < 0.1) {
state = !state;
// Draw relative to center
translate(width/2, height/2);
// Draw a polygon that makes up all the vertices
for (PVector v : morph) {
vertex(v.x, v.y);
This example is for Processing 4+. If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please let us know.